Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Meeting: The Fourth


We started work on our first Meta-Project, an app inspired by Pivotal Tracker that we can use on all our future projects. We call it The Level.

Programming as a nine-person team was kind of like being on the floor of a very small very strange stock exchange - there were triumphs; there was frustration (like when I deleted the stylesheet - I didn't mean to , I swear), and lots of energy, and yelling, and cookies, and a project that went from nothing to something in an hour and a half.

Lessons learned:

  • Cloud Nine - though really great, must be used in a particular way. 
    • Cloud Nine doesn't always sync multiple simultaneous users well
    • It's easy to mistakenly overwrite another person's work
  • It's better to split the big team into pairs that share a computer and work on one document together 
  • Nine is probably close to the limit of how many people can work on one project at the same time
  • More seating!

The energy of nine people all working together on a project is solid raw grass-fed free range magic.

I can't wait for next time.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Meeting: The Third

Topics of discussion tonight:

  • programming paradigms
    • object orientated
    • functional
  • MVCs
    • Ruby on Rails
    • Django
    • CakePHP
  • startup denisity
  • online education
    • Coursera
    • Udacity
    • edX
  • venture capitol and integrity
  • websites
  • Unity (the game dev engine)
  • Chrome developer tools
  • IDE's
  • Brett Victor
  • The People of the Bit
Near the night's close - after having spent the lions' share of our time trading tips and showing off projects, we realized that only 10 minutes were left on the clock. In those 10 minutes we built the prototype website for Greg's startup (including a little homebrew MVC and a good working example of object-oriented programming in Javascript). 

A good night.