Topics of conversation tonight included:
- Augusta's Hackerspace -
- Tor & onion routing
- Ira Glass and creative growth
- Dwarf Fortress
- Django
- The rigors of CS 101
- Kaggle, expertise and data science
- The Sacred Second Movers
- Quirky & The Level
- CSS & the zen garden
- Algorithmic Narratives and Story.js
Near the end we crowded around a single machine and hackety-hacked on our Compromise project. Development is about more than for loops and logical architecture, it's about making things that people love to use, and sometimes - like tonight - that looks like good design and CSS.
The next time we meet will be a show-and-tell night! Everyone's going to bring a little programming project - computational physics homework or a game prototype or "Hello World" in C# - whatever it is is great: we're here to be supportive, and to help each other through this struggle of an education.
Happy code everybody!